Friday, 22 November 2013


It's freebie time. 
This week we have an image from Moon Cookie Gallery called Candy House. 
To download the freebie please visit the Whimsy Shop and scroll down the main page. 
Once you see the image, right click on it and select save to computer. For those with a Mac computer, if you do not have a right-click enabled mouse - hold down the Ctrl key when you click to get the same effect as pressing the right-click on a two-button mouse.

Be sure to grab the freebie today as it will be gone tomorrow. 
Freebies only remain on the website for about 24 hours, if you miss it, you can always purchase the image in the shop. Please tell your friends to stop by to grab it for themselves too. 
Have a great weekend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I read them all and really appreciate your thoughtfulness. I apologize for the moderation but it seems necessary with all the computer-generated responses. Thank you. xx Kathryne